Hello everyone!
Remember me? No, I’m not dead yet. But I have a confession to make: I am awful – and I mean absolutely, terrifyingly, hopelessly awful – with computers and all kinds of technological devices. And so sometimes, I manage to lock myself out of my accounts. And sometimes, it all seems so, so complicated that I feel too overwhelmed to even try to get back on track.
I suck at this, and I know it.

So while I have gathered so much new content for this blog, I admit that I lacked the time, the motivation and sometimes simply the knowledge to put it all online. And being a perfectionist does not help.

But this is not a time to dwell on such things. They are, if you look at the world and what’s going on there, rather meaningless. Consider it just a little apology for my long absence.
These are crazy, surreal times to live in, and sometimes it does shock me how it brings out the worst in some people.
However, I will try to take this as an opportunity to get back on track with this blog, to spread some ideas and inspirations. Because these are times when most of us are stuck at home most of the time. If you’re an introvert like me, that’s not really a problem. But I know that a lot of people get bored and are right now looking for new things to do, new things to try.

And so I thought… what better time to come back?
So to all of you: I hope you will have a lovely Easter weekend with lots of time for the people you love and the things you enjoy doing. Stay safe and stay healthy. And, please, stay home.
And to make your home a little festive – although you likely have done that already – I will share some of my current Easter decorations for inspiration. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you can find some more details on how to turn your home into a festive Easter palace on a budget in last year’s Easter post.

If you enjoy what you see here, don’t forget to like and subscribe! I will try to be better and put content up more regularly. Because I sure do have a lot of material to share.
Everyone stay safe!

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